Member Benefits
- Each member in good standing (dues are current) has one vote in TASP related elections, polls, or votes.
- Members are part of a collaborative community of parents, researchers, social workers, support providers and advocates working together so that families can succeed.
- Members are invited to participate in a variety of webinars over the year. Introductory topics will be offered free of charge; advanced topics will be available for a small fee.
- Members receive information about other educational opportunities including upcoming regional conferences, workshops or trainings
- Members receive latest news in advocacy and ongoing system change to achieve social justice for parents with learning differences and their children.
- Members are welcome to participate in TASP Annual Meetings, TASP Committees and be a part of other functions of the organization.
- Members may have the opportunity to participate in efforts to raise quality standards in assessment, training, service and research.
Terms of Membership
The term of membership shall be one year. Membership Fees are due annually on October first. Membership can be pro-rated based on when individuals apply.
TASP Members shall support the mission and purpose of the Association. To remain in good standing, every member shall pay dues annually. Dues must be received by October 1st to retain voting and other membership privileges. Members are encouraged to participate fully in any Membership Meetings, and to remain as involved as possible in the organization.